Alone we can only do so much,
together we can do more’
OF WOOD is Partner of The Systemic Neuroscience Consulting Group,
the authorised Regional Corporate Partner of Neuro-Link International, Inc.
and Sole Provider & Practitioner Trainer for both the Neuro Agility Profile (NAP™) and the brain-based online 360° EI Assessment plus Programs in the Benelux and Germany.
We offer innovative systemic and neuroscience-based solutions for People, Teams and Business Development.
Karen van Hout
Karen is the Director and Founder of OF WOOD: The Systemic Neuro Agility and EI Trainer.

In addition, she is Partner at the Systemic Neuroscience Consulting Group, Neuro-Link’s Regional Corporate Business Partner & Lead Master Trainer for NAP™ and High Achiever Emotional Intelligence™ Practitioners
She is a Multi-Certified Systemic Neuro-Agility Trainer, Counsellor and Coach (Member of ICF and EMCC Luxembourg) with working experience in operational, therapeutic, coaching and managerial roles in the healthcare and financial sectors. Karen works with international teams and corporates to guide their talents to gain more clarity, productivity, passion, and presence.
Omozua Ameze Isiramen
Omozua is the Founder & NeuroCoach at CWO Solutions (Coaching With Omozua): The High-Performance Brain and Neuro Agility Trainer and Coach.

In addition, she is Partner at the Systemic Neuroscience Consulting Group, Neuro-Link’s Regional Corporate Business Partner & Lead Master Trainer for NAP™ and High Achiever Emotional Intelligence™ Practitioners.
She has successfully completed two ICF accredited training programs, and is an Executive and Certified Life, Emotional Mastery and John Mattone Intelligent Leadership Coach, EQ Consultant and Brain Trainer. (Senior Member ACCPH and Member of EMCC Luxembourg). She has an educational, managerial, training background and work experience from collaboration with experts from different industries and financial fields. Omozua works worldwide with executives, corporate professionals, (aspiring) leaders and entrepreneurs.
Dr. Andre Vermeulen
CEO of Neuro-Link, an international consultancy specializing in the neuroscience of workplace learning.

He is the architect and owner of the Neuro-Link brand and business system, which consists of various brain profile assessments to determine learning potential and brain-training solutions to optimize brain performance. As an international motivational speaker, André has presented at TEDx and numerous international conferences and events, including the ATD International Conference & Exposition since 2000.
André has been a guest on many radio and television talk shows across the globe and hosts his own television show, Breinkrag (Brain Power). André has published books and more than 30 articles in magazines and newspapers in Germany, the United States, South Africa, and Costa Rica on the neuroscience of learning, brain-based learning and development, and other wellness-related topics.
Tiaan Vermeulen
Tiaan Vermeulen is the Operations Director of Neuro-Link, an international consultancy specializing in the neuroscience of performance optimization.

He is a neurophysiologist, completing his undergraduate BSc degree in human physiology, genetics and psychology and then continued with a post graduate BSc Honors degree in neurophysiology as well as a Masters Degree in neurophysiology and anatomy at the University of Pretoria.
Tiaan is responsible for all business operations at Neuro-Link and he is also actively involved in research and product development of the Neuro-Link specialist field, assessments and learning solutions. He has published several articles on the neuroscience of learning and presents internationally on respected platforms like The Association for Talent Development (ATD ICE) and the University of Pretoria’s neuroscience conferences.
Tiaan enjoys helping people to become more of who they can be by using science as the vehicle to positively impact lives.
Take Action Today! Be CEO of Your Life, Teams and Business
Let’s discuss your challenges, the needs and priorities of your business or organisation. We look forward to serving you and finding solutions with our unique approach – Systemic Neuroscience Coaching and Consulting.